

worship - Sundays 10:30 AM | youth - Sundays 5 pm

Acts 2:46 "So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart..."

At Crossway, we believe not only in the practicality of small groups, but we believe that they are a vital element of the biblical church model. Lifegroups, our small-group program, are resuming in just a few weeks! We are offering a variety of LifeGroups aimed at various age-groups and life-stages. To join a LifeGroup, use the registration link below.


Our lifegroups directors

Ryan and Ashley Black lead and coordinate our small-groups ministry, which we call LifeGroups. Ryan and Ashley have a strong background in biblical, fruitful small-group ministry leadership, both as participants and as leaders. Both have big hearts that love Jesus and people, making them the perfect team for this vital arm of Crossway's ministry. Ryan and Ashley make a family with their children, Connor and Mckenna, and "fur-babies" Piper and Gemma.