Crossway Cares


worship - Sundays 10:30 AM | youth - Sundays 5 pm

James 1:27

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

what is crossway cares?

In 2023, God laid on the heart of one of our pastors, Chris Stinson, to establish an arm of Crossway's ministry that focused on our scriptural responsibility to care for the widows, orphans, elderly, infirm, and others who are disadvantaged (James 1:7). Thus began Crossway Cares, a ministry of volunteers devoted to actively serving those in our community who are disadvantaged by offering things such as yard work, handyman repairs, and more. If you or someone you know falls into this category, click the button below to request help.